Research Wk3 Class

Research - one on one's.

This week I need to make a decision on what to focus on and to ask:


  • Is it because I have I have a favourite artist that is inspiring me to make certain things?
  • Have I discovered a method I enjoy more than others? It could be because I enjoy the movement of mark making for this method.
  • Does a particular method or focus or series of drawings I have made affect my mood in a positive way?
(Consider Time)

I need to dedicate one day this week and the following weeks to just 'making' for this project.
(Aim for an 8hr working day:)).

Tuesday class time and evenings can be dedicated to researching and blogging.

I don't know at this stage what I'm going to make for the exhibition and even the weeks leading up to it. It is going to be a week by week process of going through stages of asking why?

I am not going to propose that my end presentation will be for example, exactly 3 paintings informed by my doodle drawings.

Also I need to consider the concept of my method or which one to focus on.

I need to be careful when researching that I don't go down too many avenues and get taken up spending too much time collecting a lot of info. There needs to be a balance! I like the heuristic model of learning of making and learning as you go with practice.

...Oh and take notes on what I've been thinking about after a making session.

Maybe my final product will be an electic collection of artworks displayed as an installation about a more specific theme/concept or thought process? Then the art materials used and methods could be quite varied, maybe?


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